Interested in 4-H?
4-H offers youth ages 7-19 the opportunity to develop leadership and citizenship skills, while participating in hands-on learning. We also offer programming for youth ages 5 and 6, known as Cloverbuds.
Our 'Learn by Doing' philosophy encourages 4-Hers to plan and organize monthly meetings, community service projects, and other club activities. Our county youth can choose from more than 30 projects, each providing the participant a chance to explore a new topic, while developing new skills. Many of our projects have knowledgeable adults willing to assist the youth, however other projects will be done independently at home with assistance from from parents. 4-Hers will have several opportunities to talk about and present their projects through club meetings, project shows, or the county fair.
Check out the links on the right for club listing, enrollment, and other important information.
Program Staff
John Jobe
County Agent
4-H Youth Development
(785) 537-6350
Brandy Berg
Program Assistant
4-H Youth Development
(785) 537-6350
2024-2025 4-H Club List (2/4/2025)